Tuesday, July 17, 2012

random entry #2

I'm super tired *macam ni* - pic source: google.

kebelakangan ni tak sempat nak update kat sini because of I'm very busy during the day and malamnya pulak I'm very tired. almaklumla balik bilik after office hour dah pukul lima setengah petang. disebabkan dekat lab terhidu all types of chemicals so asal balik je kepala berdenyut-denyut. 

almost everyday balik dengan headache and menyebabkan aku tidur awal pada sebelah malam. so conclusionnya banyak kerja akan tertangguh la kan.

last night aku kena siapkan assignment for my environmental and health class. kepala dah pening masa tu lepas tu assignment tu menambahkan lagi pening and nak kena edit part yang budak lelaki buat lagi. 

last-last bila dah siap that headache became worser sampai I feel like vomiting. teruk betul. 
then I decided to sleep earlier than usual and I slept at ten. worse comes to worst malam tadi pulak la felo-felo kolej nak buat spotcheck. so aku dikejutkan pada pukul 1 pagi semata-mata untuk spotcheck tersebut. damn. but what can I do, its a protocol. whatever.

hari ni aku ada terbaca something interesting masa online which is budak sekolah dibenarkan bawak handphone ke sekolah. 

and I was like REALLY??? IS THIS FOR REAL??? 

untunglahhh budak-budak sekolah zaman sekarang boleh bawak bb,iPhone,samsung galaxy SIII, and so on pegi sekolah. tapi kesian budak-budak yang tak berkemampuan nanti jelly-jelly tengok kawan bawak handphone canggih. 

for me, I personally rasa this matter should not be encouraged. of course la ada kelebihan boleh bawak phone pegi sekolah and ada syarat yang ditetapkan bila bawak but then there will still be disadvantages and for me I think it won't be necessary to bring phone to school. ada banyak lagi cara lain if it is for safety and connection. tapi itu cuma my opinion la.

anyway if I have children I think I won't allow them to bring phone to school because I think never the less they'll misuse it somehow. I used to bring phone to school when I was in secondary school and I misused it.

let loose and assalamualaikum =)

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