Monday, December 31, 2012


*image from tumblr*


As everyone is celebrating new year with all families and friends and also loved ones, i'm here curling alone with my books and notes in my room studying for final exams. But its okay as I'm feeling very good because I achieved almost all the things that I want for 2012 in time.

I'm not gonna write a long wish for 2013 as I'm stealing my study time to update here so with this chance I would like to wish to all my family and friends especially ZACK, MOCK, and ROY for giving me such a wonderful time throughout the year. Not to forget my best college buddy ever MISZUE for always be there when I needed her.

The most important wish goes to my beloved Mak and Ayah for giving me endless support from I was a 'comot' little girl until I am a 'clumsy' ENDY now. hehe. And I hope the support will never end as I'm coming to the most crucial time of my life which will be my turning point to who I will be on the next next year.

Then, I wanna thank my so called "mama" which is my favourite aunt Cik Yah for being my best hangout friend ever and my shoulder and always listen to me whenever I'm happy or sad or having problems with friends and also for being my Doctor Love.haha

Last but not least, this is very special. HAPPY NEW YEAR AND HAPPY BIRTHDAY to my father Mr. Azahan Apandi Ab Kadir. I wish you all the best for your career and may Allah bless you always. :')

*also tumblr image*
P/S: Ayah, I want iPhone 5!!! hahaha


*tumblr image*


Sunday, December 30, 2012

i'll walk with you till the last mile of my life


tajuk entry kali ni kemain panjang lagi ye. aku dedicate tajuk tu to my beloved boyband group WESTLIFE. niat aku bukanlah untuk mengagung-agungkan hiburan ke apa ke. I mean take this on a positive side okay. aku membesar dengan music diorang and sampai ke hari ni me and my sister ingat lagi lagu-lagu hits dorang ni. aku kenal this boy band since i was in primary school and since they are still a five membered group. 

but then baru semalam I've watched their farewell concert. the one that they performed at Croke Park, Dublin. and I tell you was SUPER DUPER AWESOME AND AMAZING!!! that was their last concert and how they say goodbye to all their fans but for me, that was never a goodbye and a farewell because they will always be in my heart and I'll never stop listening to their songs. its very touching to see all the members which is Shane, Nicky, Mark and Kian cried at the end of the concert. I cried too especially when I saw Shane was crying a lot like a baby ='(

soon it will be semester break and I swear the first thing I'm gonna do when I reach home is I'm gonna search for all the westlife VCDs that I have during my childhood and I'm gonna play it back and sing it loud. It was a very emotional moment throughout the concert. it feels like it was their last performance and the crowd was really enjoying all the precious moments together when they sing along with the band. I personally can't believe seeing my childhood idol performing for the very last time after 14 years of their success. their music brings me happiness and always give me inspiration especially when I was growing up. all in all, they means a lot to me. I'm gonna end my dedication to them as I'm gonna rolling in tears again while I'm typing all this. 

(all image credits to google)

I'll walk with you till the last mile of my life and I'm never gonna say GOODBYE cuz I'm never wanna see you cry.


Sunday, December 23, 2012

soon it will be 2013.

salam alaik.

tahun 2012 dah nak sampai penghujungnya. tak lama lagi berduyun-duyunla orang update pasal azam baru. but before that orang akan update pasal christmas. for those yang celebrate christmas jela kot. for me, some of my family did celebrate it every year. anyway its christmas eve sekarang and dua hari lagi dah 25th of december. 

kalau nak story semua cerita best tahun 2012 lapan puloh lapan entry pun tak habis rasanya. so what i'm gonna do is highlight story yang best-best and remove story yang tak best from my memory. *deleting*. done. 

earlier this year I was still in my second year.tak berapa nak matured lagi. then on April my class buat video project for Pengenalan Produk Oleokimia subject and we had such a good times. one of the memory that I'll never forget sampai bila-bila *becuz I jadi heroin video uolls!*. It's a once in a lifetime chance for me. HAHA.

On May, my class went on a Lawatan Industri trip to Pahang. the resort we stayed at was very near to the Teluk Cempedak beach and it was a very beautiful scenery there. gila cantik Teluk Cempedak tu. And dekat sinila titik permulaan macam mana ZACK,ENDY and ROY boleh jadi rapat. we lepak-lepak at the beach along with CHESTER late at night sambil chit chatting and cuci mata. never know that lepas tu we all boleh jadi rapat macam sekarang :') 

then on July kalau tak silap its semester break and some of my friends and I stayed for a short semester as well as helping Dr.A with the research. the one that we all jadi temporary research assistant tu. mase tu we create tons of memories and those memory will be in my heart like forever. 

there comes August. the month of Ramadhan and raya. it was great fasting with friends sambil ke kelas and working in the lab. penat pun bersama, buka puasa bersama. there was one day we all buka puasa sama-sama at Dr.A's place where we help him sediakan juadah for berbuka and it was fun. real fun. lepas tu we went to shoot some great pictures for raya. all credits to the excellent photographer Awwab. then I went home for raya and had a blast time at kampung.

the Agasses 2012

on September, we all came back for a new start on a new semester. its very exciting yet scary because we are starting the final year of our study. macam-macam ada dalam fikiran masing-masing masa tu because we already aware of the challenge of being a final year student. its a tough semester but we managed to pass the hectic time successfully. may Allah brings us success. Amin. now we're waiting for the final battle of this semster which is the final examination. #praying. 

Wake me up when september ends! October was also one of the best month of this year because we went for a trip to Riau, Indonesia. the memory will never be erased from my mind because i love to travel like a lot. it was great times, meeting great people, had lots of great food and see a lot of great thing. and if i can sum up all the great experience in one word it would be WONDERFUL! and then on October also we went for another brilliant project at USIM. we went there for i-INOVA exhibition. google it and you'll know what the exhibition is all about cuz I won't explain. panjang sangat nanti.hehe.

On November, basically there was no big thing happened except that we all are sooo freakin' busy with finishing our proposal for the final year project, never ending assignments,tests, exams and countless presentation. 

the same busy for December as we are going to end the semester and finish what we needs to be finished. But December is my favourite time of the year because my birthday is on 4th of December where I got a memorable surprise by my beloved ZACK, MOCK and ROY at Alamanda, Putrajaya. I couldn't be happier thanks to them. :')

the surprise memory 2012

We finished this semester with an epic memory of proposal presentation. And another memorable year is going to end soon. there will be a lot of great and beautiful memories more in the next year I hope. In Sha Allah.

Acu with nieces and nephews 2012


Saturday, December 22, 2012

random entry #7

Semenjak dua menjak ni ada je drama baik di instagram mahupun twitter. Aku takdela ikut sangat perkembangan dunia sosial ni tapi ada jugak la terbaca sikit-sikit. Maklumla aku pun ada twitter dan ada jugakla follow twitter blogger femes. *eceh*. Aku ni takdela pandai sangat menulis tapi saja nak buat blog jugak. Cita-cita tinggi macam nak jadi blogger famos amos tu takdela cuma sekurang-kurangnya dapat release tension dengan menulis. Bukan apa aku ni jenis yang suke bercakap jugakla. Tapi takdela jenis potpetpotpet 24 jam tak berhenti tu. Tapi bila mood tengah high giler nak bercerita pastu tetiba ada orang potong line nak bercakap, aku jadi down. So bagi aku la, tulis lagi baik daripada bengang tak sempat habis cakap lagi orang dah potong line. Aku tak tahula orang lain tapi kalau aku rasa nak cerita something dekat orang pastu ada orang menyampuk masa aku tengah cerita and aku tak sempat habis cakap aku rasa loser giler. Rasa macam nak tanam kepala bawah tanah macam burung unta pun ada. Seriusly tak boleh ke dengar dulu sampai habis baru cakap. Tak sabar betul.

Berbalik pada isu twitter. Twitter ni bagus jugak sebab kita free untuk tweet apa-apa je yang kita suka dengan pantas dan efisien. Pastu takde orang boleh komen atau share sesuka hati melainkan kita punya twitter tak protected. Tapi apa yang aku perhatikan twitter ni banyak jugak keburukan die. Paling ketara ialah bila twitter jadi tempat untuk mengutuk, memaki dan sebagainya yang sama waktu dengannya. Boleh pecah belah orang pasal benda alah ni tak kira la persahabatan, percintaan mahupun hubungan kekeluargaan. Tak elokla bila tweet semata-mata untuk kutuk orang or nak marah orang tak tentu pasal. Tweet unmensi lagi satu hal. Bila tak sebut sape orang yang ditujukan dalam tweet tu orang lain yang baca mula la nak perasan “eh aku ke yang dia dok marah tu?” “dia ni cakap pasal aku ke?”. Secara tak langsung orang mula tak sedap hati dan pikir bukan-bukan. So lepas ni korang tweet la benda yang berfaedah ye contoh macam ajak orang main futsal ke keluar makan ke. Contoh ye. Contoh. Peringatan ni untuk diri sendiri jugak.



Friday, December 14, 2012

random entry #6


tu je perkataan yang berlegar-legar dalam minda aku tiap kali aku sampai bilik tiap hari. sengal-sengal badan usah dikata la bila tiap hari aku berjalan lebih kurang 2 kilometer pegi dan balik so totalnya 4 kilo gua jalan setiap hari okayy. dah mampu bakar berapa ratus kalori dah tu. tapi kaki gua tetap maintain drumstick jugak. (drumstick disini digambarkan peha ayam ye bukan kayu drum harap maklum)

macam hari-hari kebiasaan jugak bila balik bilik pada petang hari selalunya aku akan merehatkan minda dengan membaca novel kegemaran atau menonton movie dekat laptop kesayangan. tak macam student universiti lain yang ada saje aktiviti waktu petang seperti ke gimnasium untuk joging atau senamrobik, ke kolam untuk berenang, ke kedai mamak melepaskan rindu pada roti telur mahupun maggi goreng (tapi bukan mihun goreng), malah ada juga yang melepas rindu pada katil dan bantal empuk di bilik. aku ni jenis yang tak tidur waktu petang terutamanya lepas waktu asar. bukanla nak tunjuk alim ke hape sebab orang kata tidur lepas asar ni tak elok. tapi aku memang tak boleh tidur waktu tu pasal kalau aku tidur jugak memang mengundang kepala untuk sakit bila bangun. 

sampai masuk waktu maghrib baru aku bangun dan tunaikan kewajipan aku sebagai manusia which is mandi, solat dan sebagainya. sebelah malam pula ditemani lagu-lagu kegemaran aku buat kerja. kadang buat tugasan yang nak kena hantar esoknya *maklumla aku ni memang jenis spesis yang buat kerja last minit* kadang buat ulangkaji kadang termenung berangan je kat meja belajar tu. tapi kebanyakan masa aku dihabiskan atas talian mencari kepuasan berjaringan sosial dengan rakan-rakan yang jauh mahupun dekat.

tentang makan malam pula. kadang teman-teman spagetii aku akan ajak aku makan lepas pukul 8 malam. tak kirala makan di mapley atau di kedai-kedai makan biasa mahupun mewah kami pasti bahagia kerana dapat makan bersama. begitulah aku dengan teman-teman rapat.janji sehidup semati. begitula hari aku berlalu setiap hari. bosan bukan namun bagi yang belum menempuhi alam universiti pastikan hidup anda tidak bosan seperti ini. muahaha 


Wednesday, December 12, 2012

each of your step counts


have you ever wondered what you're gonna be in 10 years time? I woke up everyday with hundreds of question in my mind such as,,,

‘how today’s gonna be?’

‘what will I go through today?’

‘at what time will I finish attending classes?’

‘what I’m gonna have for breakfast,lunch and dinner?’

Etc etc…

Today I met my junior (oleochemistry junior). I never expect that the 45 minutes of conversation with her would change my perspective towards life and decision that I make in my life. While waiting for ZACK and MOCK to come to class this morning, I sat at the chemistry department lobby with her.

At first we just talk about classes,lecturers,holidays,and exams. Then we talked about the toughness of the subject in our course and then she said that its not a big problem for her. I ask her why and the rest is history. She told me of how she arranged her subject from her first year in university and she is willingly to extend the time from 3 years to longer because she wanted to focus on her study.

From my opinion, what she did was clever. If I can turn back time, I think that was exactly what I’m gonna do. I don’t really care of age or any other factors because as long as I can make my parents proud with me then that’s fine. The way she told me, I know she is really enjoying herself now.

So moral of the story is every important step in your life lies in your own hand wether you realise it or not. Better regret earlier aite.


Monday, December 10, 2012

tak dan perkaitannya

"aku tak makan kacang tapi kuah kacang aku makan"

"aku tak makan lempeng tapi pancake aku sukeeee"

"saya tak makan petai tapi petai dalam sambal petai saya makan"

"tak suka pakai skinny jeans weh tapi kalau skinny cantik aku pakai"

"aku makan pisang tapi kalau pisang tu dah lebam aku tak nak"

aku tak pasti kalau aku sorang je ade perangai tak senoonoh macam ni or ada lagi orang lain macam aku. well i think its normal to be like this sebab taste orang lain-lain kan. basically tak sama sebab setiap orang dilahirkan dalam environment and keadaan yang berbeza.

berdasarkan pembacaan dan pengetahuan aku yang tak seberapa ni la, persekitaran mampu pengaruhi seseorang. even kalau kita tengok dalam sesebuah family pun tak semua ada taste yang sama walaupun semua ada taste yang lebih kurang #ayatmacamkellyng.

tapi sekarang almost everyday aku kena nganjing ngan MOCK ZACK and ROY sebab perangai pelik aku ni. well aku rasa ada orang lagi pelik dari aku kottt. contohnya macam meehoon dijadikan makanan kebangsaan. or or "I tak makan daging tapi kalau daging tu lembut baru I makan" ha ha ha

at least ade orang lagi pelik dari I hokayyy =)
takpela yang penting aku sayang diorang semua.fullstop :)


Friday, December 07, 2012

finally i've turn 21!


tanggal 4 disember 2012 (beberapa hari yang lepas) aku secara rasminya telah dianugerahkan dengan title "dewasa" sebab finally aku dah masuk umur 21. orang kata bila dah masuk umur 21 ni kita dah dewasa. dah dapat kunci kebebasan 'key to freedom' gittew.

Si MOCK, ZACK dengan ROY asyik gelakkan aku je bila aku cakap pasal kunci kebebasan ni.katanya diorang dah lama dah dapat.memangla dah lama sebab korang dah lama masuk 21. dah lama tua.LOL.

anyway on that lucky day i've got many birthday wishes baik from family (except mom and dad yang sampai hari ni lupa nak wish), from friends and relatives. tapi yang paling best is bila bestfriends treats you on your birthday. the best part is the surprise part XD. love you guys sooooo fucking freaking much. got cakes from secret recipe which was like yummmeh! and i got to watch a 3D movie for the first time on that day. and it was AMAZING!!! tengok movie best in 3D pulak memanglah amazing. that day we watched LIFE OF PI. it was a really great story. cukup rencah la cerita tu. sedih ada happy ada takut ada semua ada lah. high motivation and fully packed with moral values. aspek religion pun ada and they are not biased and stated the true facts about sesebuah religion.

cakap pasal rencah teringat kisah kami 4 orang.nak tau klik sini. #sempatpromote

actually dari hari birthday tu lagi aku nak up entry cerita pasal birthday surprise ni tapi memandangkan minggu ni pack giler lebih pack dari ikan sardin dalam tin tu so hari ni baru dapat tulis. ade lagi yang nak aku cerita tapi save it on the next entry.



Alhamdulillah is the only word that came out from my mouth when the other one A in our family arrived. I was speechless and relieved once...