Friday, December 07, 2012

finally i've turn 21!


tanggal 4 disember 2012 (beberapa hari yang lepas) aku secara rasminya telah dianugerahkan dengan title "dewasa" sebab finally aku dah masuk umur 21. orang kata bila dah masuk umur 21 ni kita dah dewasa. dah dapat kunci kebebasan 'key to freedom' gittew.

Si MOCK, ZACK dengan ROY asyik gelakkan aku je bila aku cakap pasal kunci kebebasan ni.katanya diorang dah lama dah dapat.memangla dah lama sebab korang dah lama masuk 21. dah lama tua.LOL.

anyway on that lucky day i've got many birthday wishes baik from family (except mom and dad yang sampai hari ni lupa nak wish), from friends and relatives. tapi yang paling best is bila bestfriends treats you on your birthday. the best part is the surprise part XD. love you guys sooooo fucking freaking much. got cakes from secret recipe which was like yummmeh! and i got to watch a 3D movie for the first time on that day. and it was AMAZING!!! tengok movie best in 3D pulak memanglah amazing. that day we watched LIFE OF PI. it was a really great story. cukup rencah la cerita tu. sedih ada happy ada takut ada semua ada lah. high motivation and fully packed with moral values. aspek religion pun ada and they are not biased and stated the true facts about sesebuah religion.

cakap pasal rencah teringat kisah kami 4 orang.nak tau klik sini. #sempatpromote

actually dari hari birthday tu lagi aku nak up entry cerita pasal birthday surprise ni tapi memandangkan minggu ni pack giler lebih pack dari ikan sardin dalam tin tu so hari ni baru dapat tulis. ade lagi yang nak aku cerita tapi save it on the next entry.


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