=) |
Thursday, May 24, 2012
Tuesday, May 22, 2012
salam rejab pada yang muslims and hi to non-muslims readers. lately I've been in an awkward situation with my best buddy yang I really rapat at this uni. I'm not really sure all this berpunca daripada apa but our friendship lately became very renggang which means kitorang dah tak pegi kelas sama-sama. tak keluar sama-sama. dah tak walk back to college together and tak contact with each other frequently like we always do.
maybe this is because of my fault but I don't know. yela sometimes kita tak sedar apa kita buat and sometimes it hurts people. and I think I've hurt someone. aku betul-betul mintak maaf kalau this situation happens because of me. kalau ini semua berpunca daripada aku memang aku mintak maaf and aku mohon tegurlah aku kalau aku ada buat salah. I've been quite busy lately and I don't realize mistakes I've done.
kadang-kadang Allah uji kita supaya kita lebih mengenali antara satu sama lain. aku tak berniat nak guris hati sesiapa. almost setiap hari aku doakan so that hati-hati kami (me and my friends) akan disatukan dan tatkala aku mohon doaku dimakbulkan Allah uji dengan dugaan dalam persahabatan ni pulak. aku yakin ada hikmah disebalik semua yang terjadi ni. and I'm positive because everything happens for a good reasons. amin.
mata ni dah terlalu penat untuk menangis. jadi ia mahu tidur yang cukup setelah seharian menatap alam fana. wa tidur dulu ye.
let loose :)
Monday, May 21, 2012
la tahzan.innallahamaana.
salam alaik'. lumrah manusia, bila dilanda kesedihan atau bencana baru kembali menghadap Penciptanya. bukan mengata orang malah aku pun begitu. biasalah iman kita kan ada masanya turun ada ketikanya naik. maklumlah kita bukan malaikat namun kita harus sentiasa berusaha untuk tetapkan iman kita pada yang Maha Esa. tak gitu?
nasihat pada diri sendiri dan orang lain juga. bila dalam ditimpa sesuatu masalah atau kekecewaan refleks balik apa yang kita dah buat. atau mungkin Dia nak uji kita supaya kita lebih matang dan berani dalam menghadapi ujian and cabaran dalam hidup kita. or maybe itu karma atas apa yang telah kita lakukan pada orang lain without kita sedar. who knows. semua tu hanya Tuhan yang tahu.
a few things happen today yang buat aku realize pentingnya kesabaran dalam daily life kita. macam kata-kata hikmah nuruashia dalam entri dia 'siapa aku nak sombong'...
"sabar adalah separuh daripada iman. nak dapat iman bukan mudah. apatah lagi nak jadi seorang yang penuh dengan kesabaran. sebab tu orang cakap orang yang sabar ni tinggi darjatnya. korang bayangkan nak dapat separuh daripada iman bukannya mudah..."
so bersabarlah walau sesusah mana pun ujian yang Allah bagi. smile when it hurts the most =)
let loose.
Saturday, May 19, 2012
kenangan berjimba and Dark Shadows.. #history
Assalamualaikum pada yang sedang blogwalking, menelaah sambil membaca blog, para pencari idea et cetera.
yesterday was a memory. another unforgettable memory of me and my coursemates. semalam berlangsungnya AGM or Annual Grand Meeting of our great Oleochemistry Club. meeting tu adalah untuk membubarkan jawatankuasa yang sudah bertungkus lumus mengerah keringat membangunkan kelab selama setahun dan melantik organisation yang baru yang mana aku salah sorang jawatankuasa yang lama. kami para ajk dihargai namun dikritik dengan cukup indah oleh ahli-ahli kelab.
namun bukan itu yang mahu kufokuskan penceritaan ini. sejurus after AGM yang berakhir pada jam sekitar 11.30 malam itu aku bersama ahli-ahli keluarga oleoku iaitu pak andak, mak ku mus ku mas, kak long ku jah ku mar, kembarku kakanda lola, pak itam yang kecelaruan identiti kerana namanya chester dan kulitnya putih, kakanda ngah ku wa ku don, dan dayang istana mengaku ahli keluarga baru kakanda anis telah keluar berjimba ke putrajaya. kemana lagi kalau bukan tempat faveret kami tu iaitu alamanda. mulanya kitorang tak tau nak kemana tapi keluar jugak walau tanpa arah tuju nak kemana. and the rest is history.
idea pertama kitorang ke warta di Bangi dengan harapan dapat bermain bowling sebab khabarnya pusat bowling warta tutup agak lewat. namun ketika kakanda anis sedang memandu kereta labunya berhampiran warta dia ternampak sekujur tubuh terbaring dengan keadaan tubuh itu separuh di atas jalan dan separuh lagi ditepi jalan. sungguh nasib baik tak tergilis tubuh itu dengan kereta labu yang dinaiki kakanda anis, aku puteri kudup tak kembang dan kembarku kakanda lola. lalu kami pun laporkan apa yang kami nampak pada pegawai polis yang kebetulannya sedang menyaman lori tanpa lesen ditepi jalan.
so kami batalkan niat ke warta dan menghala ke putrajaya dengan hanya satu harapan dihati bahawa wayang di alamanda boleh kami tonton untuk midnight. yang epiknya pengembaraan jimba kami pada malam tersebut adalah kami semua berbaju melayu dan berbaju kurung except pak itam yang bertshirt oleo yang oren itu. lagi epik bila tiket yang available untuk dibeli dan cerita yang boleh ditonton adalah Dark Shadows. kaedahnya tengok Dark Shadows on midnight berbaju kurung and baju melayu! tak logik dek akal and memang totally kerja gila.hahaha
and for those who adores Johnny Depp, this is one of his collection of amazing characters. cerita ni story pasal a curse. a love curse,sex,family, and so on. 18 and above of course. banyak jugak part yang aku kena tutup mata because not suitable to watch. maklumla puteri kudup tak kembang ni belum cukup umur lagi.hihik. anyway mata ni dah macam panda gara-gara berjimba semalam jadi kuperlukan rehat yang cukup malam ni.
p/s : nanti ku perkenalkan ahli-ahli keluargaku yang epik-epik belaka itu.
letloosepeeps. #kbai.
Tuesday, May 15, 2012
jom buat blog!
assalamualaikum. cuaca kat Malaysia lately sangat panas and buat aku rasa nak tuang sunblock 2 botol je tiap kali nak jalan pegi kelas. tapi pegi kelas okay lagi la sebab aku pegi by bus. bila jalan balik tu sampai bilik je mata rasa pedih and berair. click 'like' if your situation is same with me.hoho
tadi aku dengan rasminya telah menjoin research group under one of my lecturer. actually before this aku tak berapa pasti wether nak join under dia or not. maybe I was destined to do it kot sebab tadi akhirnya kaki aku melangkah jugak ke bilik dia dengan dorongan najwa. fortunately dia terima walaupun masa aku and najwa cakap nak join tu dia cakap actually team dia dah penuh.
aku pulak segan sikit nak join under dia because pointer aku takla bagus sangat pun and aku tak outspoken macam student lain yang join under dia tu. but then if I want to improve and enhance a lot of my skills, he is the right person to be the guidance. yang utama and yang first memangla Allah s.w.t but if we want to be the best then we'll have to learn from the best lah kan.
and tadi dia ada cakap pasal nak cari whoever yang pandai publish jurnal means orang yang boleh writing la and dia ada bagi macam insentive la untuk orang tu if dapat write. he also adds that even when we have so many things in our mind but we cannot interpret our idea dengan menulis and record the ideas pun tak guna jugak. so basically we have to write for it is necessary for us sebab we're going to do thesis for our final year. salah satu cara untuk jadi lebih mahir dalam menulis aku rasa blogging la. :) so jom buat blog!
so I have made up my mind and now aku kena usaha lebih and lepas tu serahkan semua pada Allah. semoga dipermudahkan. amin.
read and write.
let loose. bubbye!
tadi aku dengan rasminya telah menjoin research group under one of my lecturer. actually before this aku tak berapa pasti wether nak join under dia or not. maybe I was destined to do it kot sebab tadi akhirnya kaki aku melangkah jugak ke bilik dia dengan dorongan najwa. fortunately dia terima walaupun masa aku and najwa cakap nak join tu dia cakap actually team dia dah penuh.
aku pulak segan sikit nak join under dia because pointer aku takla bagus sangat pun and aku tak outspoken macam student lain yang join under dia tu. but then if I want to improve and enhance a lot of my skills, he is the right person to be the guidance. yang utama and yang first memangla Allah s.w.t but if we want to be the best then we'll have to learn from the best lah kan.
and tadi dia ada cakap pasal nak cari whoever yang pandai publish jurnal means orang yang boleh writing la and dia ada bagi macam insentive la untuk orang tu if dapat write. he also adds that even when we have so many things in our mind but we cannot interpret our idea dengan menulis and record the ideas pun tak guna jugak. so basically we have to write for it is necessary for us sebab we're going to do thesis for our final year. salah satu cara untuk jadi lebih mahir dalam menulis aku rasa blogging la. :) so jom buat blog!
so I have made up my mind and now aku kena usaha lebih and lepas tu serahkan semua pada Allah. semoga dipermudahkan. amin.
read and write.
let loose. bubbye!
Tuesday, May 08, 2012
I've been proposed?
hi. how's your day people? today I have created another unforgettable memory with my friends which is oleochemistry friends. today is stage 3 for our assignments of the subject "oleochemistry product development" and we have to do a presentation or pre-launching of our product which is whip-o-cream. stage 2 and stage 1 have been done which in stage 1 we submit a complete proposal of our product and in stage 2 we creatively made a video to advertise our product to public and we needed to post it on facebook. here's the link of the video... https://www.facebook.com/video/video.php?v=2685811603923
the presentation was good eventhough the judges were very strict. there were negative and positive feedback about what we have done and they were very satisfied with us. okay now back to the video. the guy in that video was my classmate and my group member named awwab and the girl was me. the video was about an engaged couple who wanted to meet up at a park. the guy was late and the girl became sulky. then he persuaded that girl with a creamy cuppycake. unfortunately that girl was on diet on that day and she did not want to eat the cupcake. then...here comes the promotion of our product. now you'll have to watch the video for further info. finally, in the end of the video she ate the cupcake with him.
today, the group members have requested me and that guy to act again after the video was shown during our pre-launching of the product. the storyline of the video was awwab's idea and for today's acting it was also his idea. the story was that he praised me about my body which I'm not fat and I'm being more clever these days. and I would replied back to him that it was all because the cream on the cupcakes that he always gave to me. then I requested another cupcake with whip-o-cream and surprisingly he said that today's cupcake was a special one. then he kneeled down and said "will you marry me?". on that moment, my group members were cheering for us and asked me to say "yes, I do" as well as the judges. I took the cupcake, I said yes and ended the drama.
I hope I'm strong enough to face upcoming days of my life because there were assignments,exams,presentation and many things ahead.
Let loose.assalamualaikum <3
Saturday, May 05, 2012
Teluk Cempedak trip =)
assalamualaikum sweet people.
its been ages aku tak update kat sini because I've been super duper busy. seriously. if tak caye cer jengah facebook aku dah bertahun tak post status ape pun. this week and a few weeks coming pun I'll be very busy but the urge of feeling to update here makes me spend some of my busy time to type here. *bajet je ayat*
my last entry was about my 20th birthday and I promise that I'll post my wishlist for this 20th year of my life. so as I've promised here is the list of my 10 great wishes.hohoho...
On this 20th year of my life I:
1. would like to be a better muslimah
2. want to achieve the best pointer for this semester
3. hope to be the best daughter for my parents
4. hope I'll get a camera for myself.
5. want an iPhone and an iPad! hehehe
6. really hope I can left lots of my bad habits
7. wants to spend more time with my dear family
8. want to travel around the world
9. really wants to know what is 'his' feeling for me..oooo
lagi satu wish tu sape-sape fill it up untuk aku boleh. usually i don't have that much wish but I think 10 is good so I put until 10 there.kekeke
after my last post hari tu, lots of things had happen and I don't know how to start the story. soooo many things happen. yang happy, sad, frustrating, funny semua ade la.
the latest is I went to teluk cempedak in Kuantan for my industrial visit. dah memang annual program aku pegi factory visit for my course study. so this year we went to Kuantan, Pahang and we stayed at Teluk Cempedak. to be honest that place was very beautiful. I've went to Pulau Perhentian which is the most beautiful island in Malaysia before but I think this place is more beautiful.
there we stayed at TC beach hotel which located very near to the beach which we can just walk to go to the beach. it was the best memory for this semester because the trip was real fun! I'll never forget the moments we hangout together for three days. it was super fun and hilarious! later you can see some of our best moments there.
I get to visit 2 factories which were Felda Vegetable Oil Products (FVOP) and Felda Isisawit Semambu and I got lots of info. it also motivates me to do well for this semester and the next two semester.
let loose. =)
and enjoy the pics!
its been ages aku tak update kat sini because I've been super duper busy. seriously. if tak caye cer jengah facebook aku dah bertahun tak post status ape pun. this week and a few weeks coming pun I'll be very busy but the urge of feeling to update here makes me spend some of my busy time to type here. *bajet je ayat*
my last entry was about my 20th birthday and I promise that I'll post my wishlist for this 20th year of my life. so as I've promised here is the list of my 10 great wishes.hohoho...
On this 20th year of my life I:
1. would like to be a better muslimah
2. want to achieve the best pointer for this semester
3. hope to be the best daughter for my parents
4. hope I'll get a camera for myself.
5. want an iPhone and an iPad! hehehe
6. really hope I can left lots of my bad habits
7. wants to spend more time with my dear family
8. want to travel around the world
9. really wants to know what is 'his' feeling for me..oooo
lagi satu wish tu sape-sape fill it up untuk aku boleh. usually i don't have that much wish but I think 10 is good so I put until 10 there.kekeke
after my last post hari tu, lots of things had happen and I don't know how to start the story. soooo many things happen. yang happy, sad, frustrating, funny semua ade la.
the latest is I went to teluk cempedak in Kuantan for my industrial visit. dah memang annual program aku pegi factory visit for my course study. so this year we went to Kuantan, Pahang and we stayed at Teluk Cempedak. to be honest that place was very beautiful. I've went to Pulau Perhentian which is the most beautiful island in Malaysia before but I think this place is more beautiful.
there we stayed at TC beach hotel which located very near to the beach which we can just walk to go to the beach. it was the best memory for this semester because the trip was real fun! I'll never forget the moments we hangout together for three days. it was super fun and hilarious! later you can see some of our best moments there.
I get to visit 2 factories which were Felda Vegetable Oil Products (FVOP) and Felda Isisawit Semambu and I got lots of info. it also motivates me to do well for this semester and the next two semester.
let loose. =)
and enjoy the pics!
from left lola,me,imran,kat,ainie,najwa n mus |
felda kernel production factory |
me and lola |
we believe we can fly! |
random.miss the moment. |
me,najwa and ainie |
oleozz with factory engineers |
the oils |
walking. |
we are oleoz. |
standing under the sun. |
from left aliya,fara,amira,ainie,me,najwa,kat,mus,chester, n lokman |
the six of us..mus,najwa,kat me,ainie n lola |
me and chester |
wan husna wan hamidon |
teluk cempedak in memory... |
subhanallah cantiknya <3 |
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