Thursday, September 19, 2019


Alhamdulillah is the only word that came out from my mouth when the other one A in our family arrived. I was speechless and relieved once I've given birth to this cute little boy after battling in the labour room for almost 3 hours. Thank god for making everything such a wonderful and smooth journey for me from the first month of pregnancy until delivery. I am so excited to share my birth story (although I already shared everything on my instagram) but I'm still gonna share it here.

My husband and I name our first born Muhammad Aidan. I wanted to name him Anas Aidan at first but since I went back home from hospital everybody especially my Mom in Law started calling him Muhammad so Muhammad Aidan it is. I know you would probably be saying that I can just put Muhammad Anas Aidan then, but I've set the rule for the name that it would only have two words not more than that. So he was born on 3rd of July 2019 at 9.54 pm weighing 2.7kg. To be honest I'm still in denial that I'm already a momma now but every time I see him smiling at me now I feel like I'm the luckiest woman alive. Now there are three of us. Amir Ayuni and Aidan. I'm truly grateful for what I have now as nothing can replace the love and happiness given by Allah to us now.

Okay let's get started on the birth story. It all begins on the evening of 2nd of July where I had an appointment with my gynae (Prof Haizal) on that night. From the ultrasound and checkups everything was normal so we just have to wait for the baby to arrive. My due date was expected on 4th of July so I still have another two days but Prof said to me that if the date is overdue, I will have to be induced on 9th of July not later than that.

Later that evening, around 11pm I had a mild backpain which I think it's normal because my tummy was huge and I couldn't really sit properly then. I wasn't expecting anything that night but at 5.30 am the pain started to feel stronger just like the pain I had during my period every month. The pain came on and off until 6.30 am and I woke my husband up for he's working that Wednesday morning. Then while he's getting ready, I went to the toilet to pee and I notice some blood along with clear liquid on the toilet bowl. I checked and my insting says it's time for the baby to come out. Finally *phew*. It feels like we;ve been waiting forever for you baby.

I immediately told my husband and called my mom to let her know and get ready to come to me. Mak told me not to panic and not to go to the hospital right away as it's not gonna be so quick. I took a shower and had breakfast first. Then I walked around the house and texted my sister (my sister works at the medical center which I gave birth to my son) that I'm coming soon. Then we arrived at the hospital and they asked me to do the ctg scan right away and checked me for dilation. Apparently I'm at 2cm dilation and they admitted me into the ward right away. And the waiting game begins.

It took me almost 8 hours to dilate until 4cm. I was 4cm when they asked me to go into the labour room and Prof broke my water at around 7pm. The contraction started to feel very strong and at the maximum on 9.30pm. I asked the midwife if I can push the baby already because I felt very painfull and she check my dilation again. Unfortunately I can't push the baby out yet because there's 2cm more to wait. I already felt like crying and when it's 9.45 I said that I wanna push cause I can't stand the pain anymore and Prof came. He finally said that I can push and at 9.54pm the baby was out.

I think that this is the most challenging experience ever for me cause I never imagine I could do this. Now he's 2 months already and I'm facing the most difficult challenge ever in the world which is the motherhood challenge. May I survive all day until the day I die.

The third A, Aidan.

Monday, April 15, 2019


Hi awesome people! My last post was a bit unhappy as the past weeks had been rough (blame the pregnancy hormones) lol. But I feel much better now. Not because I've just finish my third slice of pizza but my emotions are now more stable than before. 

Anyway, last two days I went for my monthly maternity checkup in which I had to go through a glucose tolerance test of MGTT as they call it. The rules of the test is that I cannot eat or drink anything except plain water from 10 pm the day before until 8 am the next morning. Little that I know the last meal before I fast for 10 hours would affect the result of the test. My last meal include orange juice and you know how I am with orange juice. 😅 I definitely lost to it and I drank more than a glass of it. 

The normal result of the test is below 8 and I got lucky enough to get 7.7 for the test. My gynae said if I got 7.8 she would label me as a diabetic-mommy-to-be and I will have to take a few more test to lower my sugar level. I was so relieved that my sugar level did not exceed 8 but still I have to be very careful of my diet as this month alone I had gained 3 kilos. The normal raise in weight for a pregnant woman is only 1.5 kilo and I had doubled. 😂 My weight now is 56 kg and I hope next month it will only be 57. I can do it! haha.

I can't wait to see my baby in two months but I'm so nervous everytime I think of the delivery process. I pray that everything will be smooth as my pregnancy journey is quite smooth. Do pray for me too guys. Thank you. 

Monday, March 18, 2019


Yes, every cloud has a silver lining. But to wait for the silver is one hell of a time. And you know how the waiting game is, not everyone has the patient to wait for something we could never predict coming or not to us.

Oh hi guys. I've been missing for quite some time and I had tons of things to write about but very short time. Life is busy for me these days. Juggling between the commitment of being a wife, daughter, daughter in law, mommy to be and a very busy working woman. well not very busy but most of the time when I'm at work I don't have time for anything else but work. 

Anyway, those who have been following my post would know that I'm pregnant and I'm now in my second trimester which is 24 weeks or six months preggy. Lately, I don't seem to handle my emotion very well. Most of the time I felt like crying and wanting to go far away from people. There's one day when I felt so depressed and I went to the toilet alone just to cry. I spent most probably half an hour in the toilet that day only to sit and cry. 

So, I really hope that this is just the effects of being pregnant or else I would have to see any therapist for recovery. LOL. I think that's all for now. See you guys again next time. Let loose. 



Alhamdulillah is the only word that came out from my mouth when the other one A in our family arrived. I was speechless and relieved once...